Valentines; What Women NEED to Know!

Let me start by saying "I love you all, so take this with a grain of salt."  Because some of you are going to get offended if not outright pissed at me for what I am about to say!

WOMEN! Valentines is NOT your day!

With that said, if you are the type of woman that see's it as OUR day, congratulations, you probably have a happy man. If you could care less about one day, you definitely have a happy man.

I have often dreaded Valentines day. I used to be this ubber romantic guy that did amazing things for women. I had this philosophy about giving gifts in three's.

One gift that I thought you needed.......

One gift that you wanted..........

One gift that I wanted to give you from my own heart and effort.

Along the way I got tired of giving because I never felt that I was reciving the same level of commitment. (Which is MY fault! I chose these women and I KNOW that there are some awesome women out there because I have dated or loved a few of them. Most of you may fall into the AWESOME category)

But, we can all do better so here are my suggestions that MAY light a fire under your mans ass and indirectly make you happier on Valentines Day

Don't expect people to be like you

When you don't have expectations, it's easier to not get hurt because you are expecting someone to do what you would do. They are NOT you. They have different love languages and may show their love in different ways. That is not to say have NO expectations. If they are not showing ANY love, there is a problem.

Give what you want to receive! 

I know it is a crazy concept. Most people only give once they receive. I HATE it when I hear a person say "He/she hasn't done anything special for me in a long time!" or "He/she doesn't pay attention to me."

In most cases, I could ask the other person and they feel the SAME way. You want something? Show what you want to the other person!!!! People cheat on their mates with these stupid excuses and in the end, what did THEY do to show the other person the love they wanted? NOTHING!

One of the coolest things I learned at a young age is that people will touch you in the way they want to be touched. If you have someone you love that is always kissing you and rubbing you, he/she wants that same type of pressure or intensity.

How many times has the person you love gave you a massage and how many times have you gave one back? I often hear from people "Well he gives good massages and I suck at it." So, you are telling me that it's ok for him to do something that makes you feel good but you are too lazy to try to be good at the same thing? So I hope you're doing something else that is making him happy?

Valentines Day......The only day of love?

Valentines day is not the barometer for how much someone loves you. It may be a day to see how creative they are? Instead of expecting him to do something on his own, plan something (if he already hasn't) for the both of you.

These are my tips for you on this upcoming Valentines Day

1. Use this day to GIVE to your loved one without WANTING anything in return. Think "What would he love? What is something I haven't done in a long time for him?"

2.  Instead of expecting him to do something on his own, plan something (if he already hasn't) for the both of you.

3. TELL HIM WHAT YOU WOULD LOVE for Valentines! Don't expect him to guess. I swear women think we are mind readers.

4.  If he fails your expectations, remember what things he HAS done for you. Sometimes people focus on ONE day that they forget the other 364! I know I HATE it because I do a LOT for my wife and I often feel unappreciated while hearing that she feels unappreciated. This is a tough stalemate because one IS doing more! And, you can't keep giving to someone what they want when you are constantly running a deficit of your own.

5. And that leads back to number 1. It centers around "Stop thinking of yourself!"

6. Lastly, no one should need a day to be extra special to your lover! To me it means even MORE when you do something because you WANT to, not because it's a "special" day. Every day should be special or why the hell is he with you? Why are you with him? I know times get rough! Those are when two people should try even harder!

Have a great day! EVERY DAY!

David Casler
The Rambling Father


  1. Loved this! It has put into words exactly my viewpoint of "V" day! Thank you!

  2. Yup i agree with this a billion percent not to fluff an ego but because i honestly agree. I would say something if i didn't.


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