You Don't Miss Him...You Miss....

When you miss someone, you’re actually missing the way you felt around them. How they provided you some semblance of being vulnerable and by that, allowing you to be closer to yourself, and by that, being closer to center. (stability) 

It’s why when we part with a loved one for whatever reason, we center. Not balanced. Our mind, body and soul are not aligned. 

It’s when we break up with someone that we surround ourselves with distraction or disillusion. The rebound relationships are not fulfilling. We long for something that we can’t describe. The seconds are long.

How many loves have we had? That we thought no one could replace? But it was never about replacing. It was about opening up to accept! 

The person who wants to love you is out there. You just got to come naked..nothing but you. Your fears, your hopes, your beauty and scars... I don’t know who fucking needs to hear this right now, this second...but I’ll say it again 🤗 you are fucking loved and you are fucking love! 

Breath, love, forgive others, forgive yourself.. #nowomannocry #poetry #lovequotes #youarelovedandyouarove #ramblingfather #ramblinmama 


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